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TSK Group
TSK begins from the watches manufacture, and LCD is made to bloom with the reliable technology, and it is the wish of TSK as for gWisdom and action are concentrated, and the product which can get customers satisfaction is made, and it contributes to the society widelyh.
Then, we will achieve growth and branch toward that completion.

œSymbol mark
With the approach of the 21st century, the gmanagement ideologyh of TSK group was symbolized. It begins from the watches manufacture, and LCD is made to bloom with the reliable technology, and it is the wish of TSK group as for contributing to the society widely.
We will use this emblem for the foreign medium all from now on. Then, the gmanagement ideologyh of the TSK group is made to permeate society widely.
œImages represented by the symbol mark
The gwatchh is expressed in all, and gLh shows the initial of LCD.
¡gBlueh is the enterprise color of the TSK group. Peace and faith are shown.
¡gGreenh shows harmony and an environment.
¡gYellowh expresses intelligence and a curiosity. Then, there is meaning that it moves more forward.